Hits: 17657

This is a map of sundials registered with the North American Sundial Society. Usage notes appear below the map.


If you have new dials to add to the Registry of North American Sundials, please click here Submit a Sundial or use the option in the Sundial Registry menu tab.

Some known dials are left off the map because they are in private locations or we have insufficient information about exactly where they are located. The main menu tab "Sundial Registry" provides ways to explore the full list of sundials in our Registry.

As an alternative to using Google Maps for driving directions, you can add sundials as Points of Interest (POIs) in a handheld or vehicular Satellite Navigation (GPS/SatNav) system - provided your device allows you to load POIs from KMZ or a KML format files. To generate the file, choose the square "View Larger Map" icon at the top right of the title bar of the map above, on the subsequent web page click the "3 dots" icon on the Map Legend, choose the "Download KML" option, and finally click OK. Bear in mind that this POI list will go out of date as we update our map and the associated sundial data, so you will need to repeat the process from time to time.